The 4th Quarter THE MODEL


Regular monthly meetings with a featured speaker, followed by small group sessions to facilitate interaction, learning from other’s experiences in a trusted environment for mutual support. – Acts 2:42



A deeply personal and introspective examination of each person’s commitments (time and financial resources) through the filter of their God-given strengths, talents, and passions, helping them focus on doing the things that matter most in God’s eyes in their own 4th Quarter. – Philippians 3:12-14



Providing the support for each person’s individual journey through inspirational speakers and, more intimately, through small groups of trusted, respected, and like-minded men who share a commitment to the mission and vision of The 4th Quarter. – Hebrews 10:23-25

The 4th Quarter THE PROCESS

  • Commit to the truth that God has a purpose for your life…..and He’s not finished with you yet.
  • Make a list of your God–given strengths and capabilities.
  • Write down the things you are passionate about.
  • Make a list of ALL the activities and commitments that fill your life now.
  • Through the filter of your strengths and passions, put your “life activities” in buckets…those that you won’t do anymore and those you WILL do.
  • For the WILL Do’s….formulate a plan to pursue the things you are passionate about…commit to implement that plan.
  • Seek the encouragement and support of fellow 4th Quarter colleagues.

The 4th Quarter EXPECTATIONS

Individual Success

Finding a new direction for our lives in the 4th Quarter and making choices that lead to change and focus on the things that matter most to God.


Small Group Support

Finding encouragement from trusted colleagues.


Collective Action

Potentially finding common interests that lead to collective service and mission.