“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 3:14


The Mission of The 4th Quarter is to provide the structure, process and encouragement for Christian men to focus on living the rest of their lives in a manner that honors the gifts, experience, and wisdom God has given them, according to His purpose and in His service, making a difference in the world around them to His glory and for the advancement of His kingdom on earth.


To see the full potential of this model for ministry and service effectively proven and expanded in its impact for God in our community, our state, and our nation – resulting in a surge of good works by men who are passionate about finishing the 4th Quarter well… honoring God by making a difference in things that really matter and advancing His kingdom… being ready when His time comes for our ultimate “retirement”…HEAVEN.

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The concept for The 4th Quarter was originally developed to address the unique demographic event we are experiencing in our country’s history. The Baby Boom generation (those Americans born from 1946-1964) at one time numbered 80 million. Today, those still alive number 70 million and started turning 70 years old in 2016 and continue at a rate of 10,000 per day. This generation is, by far, the largest to reach retirement age in our country’s history.





Regular monthly meetings with a featured speaker, followed by small group sessions to facilitate interaction, learning from other’s experiences in a trusted environment for mutual support.



• Commit to the truth that God has a purpose for your life…..and He’s not finished with you yet.

• Make a list of your God–given strengths and capabilities.

• Write down the things you are passionate about.



Finding a new direction for our lives in the 4th Quarter and making choices that lead to change and focus on the things that matter most to God.